How to Set Up v2ray SNI on HTTP Custom for Secure Browsing


In this tutorial, we will explore the process of setting up v2ray SNI on HTTP Custom, a popular app for configuring VPN connections. If you're new to v2ray VMESS or VLESS accounts, make sure to check out our accompanying video tutorial for a step-by-step guide. By following these instructions, you'll be able to enhance your online privacy and access restricted content. So, let's get started!
Step 1: Download and Install HTTP Custom
The first step is to head over to the Play Store and download the HTTP Custom app. Once the installation is complete, launch the app on your device.

Step 2: Enable v2ray Protocol
Within the app, locate the v2ray option and check the corresponding box to enable the v2ray protocol. This will ensure that your VPN connection is configured correctly.

Step 3: Access V2RAY SETTINGS
Click on the plugin icon within the app to access additional settings. From the list of options, select "V2RAY SETTINGS." This will allow you to fine-tune the configuration for your v2ray connection.

Step 4: Paste Configured Settings
Now, click on the clipboard icon to paste the previously copied v2ray configuration into the app. This step ensures that the settings are properly applied to your VPN connection.

Step 5: Edit Settings
To customize the v2ray SNI (Server Name Indication), click on the angle brackets icon as shown in the app. If you have a different SNI, modify it accordingly. This will help you bypass certain restrictions and improve your browsing experience.

Step 6: Establish the VPN Connection
Once you have made the necessary edits, navigate back to the main screen of the app. Finally, tap on the connect button to initiate the VPN connection with v2ray SNI. You are now ready to enjoy a secure and private browsing experience.

By following these simple steps, you can set up v2ray SNI on HTTP Custom and benefit from enhanced online security and access to restricted content. We hope this article has been helpful in guiding you through the process. If you have any questions or need further assistance, feel free to reach out to us. Happy browsing!

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 Hashtags: #v2raySNI #HTTPCustom #VPNSetup #SecureBrowsing #OnlinePrivacy #RestrictedContent #VPNConfiguration

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